7 thoughts on “Bevilacqua’s Hearing Delayed One Month

  1. I saw Cardinal B. at the hospital over a year ago and he looked frail and not completely “with it” but if he is well enough to travel like the press states then he should travel right into court. Although I feel compassion for the sick, frail old man he has become he still needs to take responsiblity for his actions.

  2. In grand jury testimony in January, Bevilacqua’s longtime attorney, William Sasso, said that during his most recent visits to the cardinal’s home at St. Charles Seminary, Bevilacqua was unable to focus and sometimes drifted off. “He expresses frustration at being unable to remember things or articulate thoughts,” Sasso testified.

    Yo, Bill. Wake up. We know you’re looking in Bevilacqua’s direction and notice “frustration”. What you need to do is turn the hell around and I bet you’ll be able to see several thousand Philadelphia area Catholics with a sense of “frustration.” More importantly, Bill, if you want to know “frustration”, use some of your archdiocesan legal fees (READ parishioner contributions) to reach out, sit down with and talk to clergy sexual abuse victims and their families.

    Then, and only then, should the lead counsel to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for many years use the word “frustration.” “INNOCENCE PROTECTOR” – “WILLIAM SASSO”.

    Oxymoron, anyone?

  3. and if he’s not, they’ll delay another month. By the way, any news on the suspended 21, may be just a rumor but I hear several of them are still helping out that their former parishes or elsewhere, like I said, this may just be rumor so I’m not going to run with it. Anyone see any of their suspensed pastors, assistants, etc. around lately?

  4. oic, I wonder why they can’t check it from their own computers. Actually, I heard that some of them are actively helping out and that’s allowed, they just can’t resume their positions until they are cleared, which should be very soon now?

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