Judge Tells Archdiocese To Get Lynn’s Legal Communications from the 90s Ready for Trial

Click here to read the latest on Msgr. Lynn: “Judge tells archdiocese to prepare for Lynn trial,” by John P. Martin, The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 26, 3012

Excerpt: “On Thursday, Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina took a step toward answering them. She ordered the archdiocese to be ready March 26, the first day of Lynn’s conspiracy and child-endangerment trial, to turn over what could be hundreds or thousands of private records detailing Lynn’s communications with church lawyers about sex-abuse claims between 1992 and 2004, when he was secretary for clergy.”

31 thoughts on “Judge Tells Archdiocese To Get Lynn’s Legal Communications from the 90s Ready for Trial

  1. I hope Judge Sarmina immediately sent officers of the court armed with SEARCH WARRANTS and security personnel to the offices of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at 222 N. 17th St., immediately upon making that decision. Church authorities in US dioceses have been known to have destroyed documents in the past. Do not think it beyond the realm of possibility in Philadelphia.

    1. Sister,

      I believe if they thought they could get away with it, there is a high likely hood that they would do it. There are a lot of unethical creeps in the AD. Never turn you back on these devils, soon to be convicted criminals I hope!

  2. And Lynn maybe the first of many to strand trial for following the “boss” orders. This is also a lesson to many.

    You are so right Sister, I was invloved in a case the superior said ” I checked Father’s file and it was empty”. No kidding? Sad! They don’t a single red cent from me.

  3. Kathy, I have a couple questions, has the judge made a ruling on the admissibility of all that ‘bad acts’ material from the last few days of the pretrial hearing? And the materials she just ordered the AD to turn over are to arrive the day of the trial which seems a bit tough on the Prosecution, who are going to have to absorb a lot of data ASAP?

    1. Hi Joan: The Judge appears to be trying to pressure Lynn, and the AD indirectly, to accept a plea before the Lynn trial begins. By warning (but not ordering) the AD to release its Lynn files, the Judge is apparently signaling that the existing negative publicity protection the Judge has undemocratically afforded the AD and Lynn may end on Mar. 26. Once these potentially damning documents are publicy available, a plea deal might result in too great a public outcry to be feasible and might also lead to pressure for other indictments, e.g., of Rigali.

      If the AD leans on Lynn to cop a plea, the AD can avoid this potentially damning disclosure. Assuming the Judge gives Bevilaqua a medical pass and the DA continues to give Rigali a pass, Lynn could then be offered a sweet deal and Seth Williams may think he will be out of the political hot seat. Chaput can then double down on closing Philly churches and schools, shamelessly blaming “greedy” abuse victims for the closures.

      Politicians can go back to protecting bishops in exhange for electoral support. For example, PA pol, Santorum, a Catholic and a Penn State grad, can then mainly pontificate on the evils of contraception, while avoiding any mention of the PA child abuse epidemic he failed to address for over 20 years. Chaput then can continue with his farcical “child protection” review board, as he awaits his cardinal’s cap and 30 pieces of silver.

      Everyone at the AD will then likely be happy but defenseless Philly kids who may have to await some future grand jury report with new victims that could have been avoided if the Philly judicial system were to do its job here authentically. Pew Catholics can continue their unChristian abuse denial and support of unChristian bishops, who can continue to oversee their pedophile conspiracy.

      Jesus must be weeping. He certainly never intended to be crucified to serve bishops’ lustful ambitions and their lawyers’ selfish injustices, while innocent children and their blameless families suffer and are permanently denied justice.

      US Catholics must fight to regain control of their Church, as Austrian Catholics have already begun to do.

      1. Jerry, it’s great to hear from you, and boy do I hope that Lynn does not get a chance to cop a plea!

        In my naĂŻvetĂ©, I thought the that Lynn’s attorneys were beginning to implicate other AD folks, something about their client being thrown ‘under the bus’….the AD would have ‘to take their chances’ with whatever defense Lynn’s lawyers would be doing in his defense, etc etc.

        I think you might be suggesting that this all part of a machiavellian plot.

        My ‘take’ on Lynn was that he wasn’t willing to cop a plea, but prepared to take others down with him????

        Please, if possible, stick around for awhile….your input is needed! Warm regards, Joan

      2. NO PLEA DEALS——Joan, it appears the lawyers for Lynn, the AD and Seth Williams’ DAs are in a three way plea bargain negotiation, with Judge Sarmina apparently pressuring them all with the threat of demanding the release of the clearly relevant AD secret files. So far the Judge has kept much of the public lid on the AD’s potentially damning and explosive history by not squarely demanding by now that these potentially explosive files be publicly disclosed and by continuing the unusual gag order. It is now a year since the Lynn indictment was filed. The Judge appears to be surprisingly solicitous of the AD’s reputation and interests , especially given the co-conspirator behavior of the AD.

        Lynn presumably wants to secure less prison time and more future AD financial support. The AD wants to keep Bevilaqua and Rigali out of any future criminal prosecution. Protecting defenseless children from future sexual abuse seems to remain a very low priority.

        I suspect Williams and the Judge might be happy to see this all go away with a sweet plea deal for Lynn, a medical waiver for Bevilaqua and a free pass for Rigali.There does not appear to be an absolute need to reach agreement before the trial begins on March 26, which is also the Judge’s “soft” deadline for the AD to release its secret file.

        Once again, all who care about defenseless children must demand that the Williams bring out the full story in a public trial— NO PLEA DEALS !!

      3. Jerry thanks for the continued ‘heads up’…..but I have a totally different question for your research skills.

        Jim Jenkins did a really brilliant comment on an NCR story, relative diocesan Review Boards, I think it was the first comment on the blog…I spent 30 minutes this am trying to find it and then thought of you….

        Do you know the link…Joan on her way to Gilbert and Sullivan,

  4. Even if you delete the stuff. on Lynn’s computer…Techies can find out everything on yours and anyones’ computer. The Judge is certainly aware of this and will get a warrant to check it all out. If they have deleted it will be even worse for them if it’s found.

    1. Our diocese is not above shredding documents. You’d be surprised how quickly they have no “documentation.”

      My husband kept EVERYTHING and kept copies in more than one location “just in case” something happened to him.

      They “couldn’t recall,” and “can’t remember,” and “there’s nothing to support what you are saying Mr. So and So.”

      UNTIL my husband said, “Well, I’m looking at a document sent from your office on such and such a date that suggests you would have that information.”

      They have lied and cheated and bullied long enough.

      I hope law enforcement are involved in the collection of documentation. I seriously pray for the employees of the AD who need to cooperate with the law above ANY order their boss gives them.

      1. Thank you survivor’s wife-It is beyond comprehension that this is the behavior of those who consider themselves to be men of God. And yet we have to break through the denial that so many are still in, even here in Philadelphia after 2 grand jury reports. Perhaps the upcoming trial will shake more out of their denial. I too pray for those priests and employees of the AD who may be asked to testify or provide documents.

      2. Your husband was very wise. It’s a good practice to keep copies of everything of importance in this world. It is so common for things to go “missing. and for memories to suddenly fail.

      3. Mimzy…

        No one would have kept the details he did over the course of years. Little things that seemed insignificant. He never thought he’d need them, but boy was he happy he kept them when the diocese acted “clueless,” about the obvious.

        Most victims do not keep copius notes or bring witnesses to document conversations, interactions or record messages given and received. MOST victims who came forward, came forward to make sure what happened to them wouldn’t happen to anyone else…TRUSTING the church hierarchy would treat them with respect and not RE-ABUSE them. No one thought to take notes or bring witnesses when you are just telling your truth. Little did they know exactly what the church would do to them all over again.

  5. “Will he say the lawyers made him do it? Did they?”

    Interesting questions. What are the ramifications if this is in fact what happened?

  6. You all In Philly seem to be so shocked! This very same thing has been happening all over the Catholic world,for as long as I have been out( of going to this church). That’s been over 10 yrs. now.
    This is who they are, this who they want to be and always have been! We just didn’t know it. We’ve been blinded by very smart men, who are so afraid of women they can’t see (be) “straight”..and I do mean they are not at all” straight” with anyone, including themselves and their supposed god. who is themselves. Such a “cool devil” there is to have “fooled” all of the people for millenium(s)

    I don’t care who they think they are , we know “what and who they are”.
    unabletotrust…. The rcc will will never cooperate, not just ADof Philly but none of them all over the rc world. They will not do anything but what they’re doing now. Get out!

  7. I too kept everything I received from the archdiocese and my therapist would always come with me when I saw Lynn or any of the victims coordinators. A detective from phila has contacted me about Lynn. I will speak with him this week.

    1. Vicky, Theresa is right. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Be strong. Know that you are in the right and that we are behind you, supporting you all the way.

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