Jury Deliberations Continue

Click here to read: “Trying to read the tea leaves in priests’ trial,” by John P. Martin, The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 10, 2012

Excerpt: “As jurors’ questions began to pile up during deliberations, about two dozen reporters and other observers cycled in and out of the courtroom, trading guesses as to what they meant. Some speculated one juror looked as though she had been crying.”

20 thoughts on “Jury Deliberations Continue

  1. I think the jury was very attentive during the trial. I could not see all of them because of some projection screens used for for showing documents which partially blocked some views, but I know at least a few jurors seemed to take notes for everything, whether it was victim testimony or review of evidence. I also found them to be rather stoic..they would make good poker players…could not read much from their facial expressions, body language. I do wish that they were sequestered during deliberations..meeting for about 6 hours a day with various days off interrupting deliberations would be difficult to make progress..I think the longer the process goes on the more tainted it could possibly become..not on purpose, but just because of circumstances.

    1. The PI article says “The jurors also sought information that appeared to apply only to Lynn. They asked for clarification of what it means to agree in a conspiracy.

      The monsignor is accused of conspiring with Avery and other archdiocesan officials to endanger a 10-year-old altar boy whom Avery sexually assaulted in a Northeast Philadelphia church.

      On Wednesday, jurors also asked for evidence files related to 13 accused priests whose cases Lynn had reviewed during his tenure in the clergy office.

      Prosecutors had introduced those allegations to suggest Lynn’s recommendations for Brennan and Avery fit a long-standing practice by
      church leaders of letting abusive priests remain in ministry.”

      The fact that Avery plea bargained, doesn’t change the fact tha Lynn is accused of conspiracy and child endangerment that included Avery.

      It sounds like the Jury should, and perhaps does have information regarding Avery.

      This is a gray area that continues to confuse me.

    2. The P I article says: “The jurors also sought information that appeared to apply only to Lynn. They asked for clarification of what it means to agree in a conspiracy.

      The monsignor is accused of conspiring with Avery and other archdiocesan officials to endanger a 10-year-old altar boy whom Avery sexually assaulted in a Northeast Philadelphia church.

      On Wednesday, jurors also asked for evidence files related to 13 accused priests whose cases Lynn had reviewed during his tenure in the clergy office.

      Prosecutors had introduced those allegations to suggest Lynn’s recommendations for Brennan and Avery fit a long-standing practice by church leaders of letting abusive priests remain in ministry.”

      Because Lynn is accused of conspiring with Avery…I assume the jurors have data on Avery’s plea bargain?

  2. No manner what exactly the law says, the fact is that because of Lynn, other children were abused. If a priest sleeps in the same bed with a boy, either he was mentally challenged or it’s attempted rape. What is so difficult to understand? I have been reading about the priests’ scandals in other states and I just can’t believe all of this.

  3. So, let’s get this straight. As the jury deliberates, the Supreme Pontiff announces a visit to Phillie while his butler is imprisoned in the basement of the Vatican; the Pope’s Chief Banker was fired, amid serious allegations, again, that the Vatican Bank is tied to the Mafia and Money Laundering–a prior Papal Banker was found hanging from a bridge in London with masonic warnings on his tortured body; and a bishop from Toledo, Ohio, is complaining that the bishops are misunderstood. Really? Beam me up, Scotty.

    1. “There is speculation that Gotti Tedeschi was aware of the possible Mafia link and was about to name names and police seized paperwork from his home which is said to detail his suspicions and which he had prepared for a handful of trusted sources as he feared his life was possible in danger.”


      Wonderful, and all of this comes from the infallible center of the moral universe on earth, the always benevolent Holy See. How many people still believe that axiom????

  4. I do think the jurors may have made a decision about Brennan and are stuck now on Lynn. Remember, a few days after their deliberation started, they asked Judge Sarmina that, if they had made a decision regarding one of the defendants, should they provide their decision, or should they wait until all is decided and present it all at once. She said to wait. I think they’re done with Brennan and have moved on to Lynn.

  5. Jerry Sleven certainly got it right with you guys.
    Don’t worry about any vitriolic comments that may come your way, there are many with tied hands vying for you.

  6. I hope everyone will read Jerry Slevin’s excellent, new piece posted on bilgrimage this morning. I can always tell when Jerry is writing and working on our behalf. He momentarily disappears from C4C. Thanks, Jerry, for your continued dedication and superior work!


  7. To Jerry Slevin: Thank You for your well-reseached, scholarly writings and helpful suggestions, for both clergy and laity alike, on the prevention of child sexual-abuse.

  8. A timely piece in yesterday’s NY Times magazine by Amos Kamil: “Prep School Predators”. Available on line– sorry, having trouble posting the link now.

    Thoughtful and something of value to those who follow this site. The Church’s accountability is far greater than the situation in the NYT piece, as the elite school’s administrators featured in the Times never hid used the name of God in protecting the predators.

    As a late middle aged “believer” whose catholic school elementary years straddled the Baltimore Catechism fear-driven rote and the hope of Vatican II, I have faith that the jurors will muster the courage to do the right thing and convict. I realize now that the arrogance and self centeredness of the clerical culure behind the abuse intentionally trained us to be confused — as children, we were lead to believe that the collars and mitres were alter egos of Christ and his beautifully simple message and example. Nothing simple about the layers of control, guilt and fear which was laid on thick and postured as The only path, underscored with the prospect of eternal damnation for those who asked questions.

    It’s tough sometimes to separate the “real message” of the gospel from the anger and repulsion caused by the indoctrination which the clericalist forces had injected into our trusting hearts as kids.

    As a regular reader, I thank the ladies with the courage and conviction of spirit to maintain this site. A true house cleaning will be painful on many levels, but it is the only way to get back to the simple truths and roots of faith.

    1. Struggler…I read the New York Times on prep school predators, and was glad to see it…it seems to me that we are increasingly getting public and private school reports…which makes legislative reform more likely/hopeful.

      Have you checked out Abuse Tracker/ Bishop Accountability, which I keep on my home page….not a bad idea if you are interested in the subject….and, I should have said it first, WELCOME!!!!! Joan

    2. “I realize now that the arrogance and self centeredness of the clerical culture behind the abuse intentionally trained us to be confused..”

      My experience and feeling precisely, I continue to worship (Jesus) weekly, but have absolutely no use for most RC clerics.

      In addition, I haven’t given them money in years. However, I like the idea someone suggested, i.e., writing them checks for two cents. The the expense of cashing them far exceeds their value. The person also suggested that they have an obligation to cash them (donations – tax deductions I believe).

  9. Noon on Tuesday, 6/26 as I left the golf course KYW radio reported that the Jury is “hung up” on 4 of the 5 charges. Sorry to say I saw this coming last week with their many questions. There is nothing good about this for the victims, the church or the trial system. I follwed this in the news media and based on that coverage I can’t see how they were not found guilty along with the administration at 222. Regardless of what anyone says or thinks this hurts any opportuntiy for change and getting the heirarchy to follow Christ teachings.

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