Philadelphia Archdiocese Announces Resolution in Final Case

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced today that Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. has made a final decision in the last remaining case of priests placed on administrative leave following the February 2011 Grand Jury Report.
While on administrative leave, priests are not permitted to exercise their public ministry, administer any of the Sacraments, or present themselves publicly as priests. Archbishop Chaput has decided that Monsignor Joseph L. Logrip is suitable for ministry based on unsubstantiated allegations that he sexually abused minors over 20 years ago.

Announcements were made at Saint Stanislaus Parish and Saint Mary Manor, both in Lansdale, when Monsignor Logrip was placed on administrative leave in March of 2011. Follow up announcements were made at those locations this weekend regarding the final decision in this case. Counselors were also made available. Monsignor Logrip’s case followed the same procedure as all other cases of priests placed on administrative leave following the February 2011 Grand Jury Report. Prior to any investigation, the case was submitted to the appropriate local district attorney’s office. After the district attorney declined to press charges, investigations were conducted by the MultiDisciplinary Team and the Archdiocesan Office of Investigations.
The results of this process were submitted to the Archdiocesan Professional Responsibility Review Board (APRRB). The APRRB is comprised of twelve men and women, both Catholic and nonCatholic, with extensive professional backgrounds in the investigation and treatment of child sexual abuse. It functions as a confidential advisory committee to the Archbishop, which assesses allegations of sexual abuse as well as allegations of violations of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries. This body provided a recommendation as to suitability for ministry to the Archbishop, who made the final decision.
On May 4, 2012; July 6, 2012; October 15, 2012; April 7, 2013; and December 15, 2013 Archbishop Chaput announced resolutions in 25 of the cases of priests on administrative leave. Of the 25, ten priests were found suitable for ministry and fourteen priests were found unsuitable for ministry. In one additional case, the priest died before a full investigation could be conducted so it was not possible to reach a conclusion. All of those cases followed the same process of review by the district attorney, an internal, canonical investigation, review by the APRRB and a final decision by the Archbishop. More information regarding those announcements is available at
All priests found unsuitable for ministry will have no public ministry in the Archdiocese. They do have the right to appeal the decision to the Holy See. For any priest found to have a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor, if they do not appeal, or if their appeal is unsuccessful, they could be laicized (removed from the clerical state) or live a life of prayer and penance. With the decision announced today, the Archdiocese will continue the initiative entitled Honesty, Healing and Hope in Christ: Confronting Sexual Violence in Our Archdiocese, which was introduced in May 2012. Once a case is resolved the initiative begins at the parish level and
consists of four phases over six months. Its purpose is to address the wide variety of reactions, thoughts and feelings that will be experienced as a result of this announcement both immediately and in the days and weeks moving forward. It identifies three primary stakeholders: the victims of the allegation or violation of The Standards of Ministerial Behaviors and Boundaries, the parishioners, who include school and Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) families, and the priests on administrative leave. Through the implementation of this initiative, the Archdiocese continues a journey of honesty, healing and hope toward the restoration of trust.
Biographical Information on Reverend Monsignor Joseph L. Logrip
Monsignor Logrip is 67 years old. He was ordained in 1972. He served at the following parishes, schools and offices:
Saint Ignatius, Yardley (1972-1974);
Saint Rose of Lima, North Wales (1974-1975);
Bishop Kenrick High School (1974-1983);
Epiphany of Our Lord, Plymouth Meeting (19751981);
Saint Gabriel’s Hall (1981-1983);
Archbishop Carroll High School (1983-1990);
Saint Francis of Assisi, Norristown (1990-1992);
Saint Monica, Philadelphia (1992-1994);
Mater Dolorosa, Philadelphia (1994-2000);
Immaculate Conception, Levittown (2000-2007);
Saints Philip and James, Exton (2007-2008);
Mother of Divine Grace, Philadelphia (2008-2010);
Chaplain, Saint Mary Manor (2010-2011);
Saint Stanislaus, Lansdale (20102011);
placed on administrative leave (2011).
To Make a Report
If you would like to report a violation of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries, contact the Archdiocesan Office for Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.
If you would like to report an allegation of sexual abuse, contact your local law enforcement agency and/or the Office for Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.
We recognize that this public notice may be painful to victims of sexual violence. If you need support or assistance, victim services are available to you through the Victim Assistance Office of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at 1-888-800-8780 or’s Note: There is much to comment on here, but let me begin by saying I will doubt the Archdiocese’s respect for the laity until they stop using the phrase – “The District Attorney’s office declined to press charges.” They need to add the reason why the District Attorney can’t press charges in many of these cases. The statute of limitations prevents them. The former coverup and current lobbying by the Diocese prevents the DA’s office from offering justice to victims and safety to society.

41 thoughts on “Philadelphia Archdiocese Announces Resolution in Final Case

  1. “…..Counselors were also made available…..” For what purpose? Public relations ? Seriously, what would a parishioner be able to or wish to discuss with a counselor (what type, background, training, credentials) regarding Msgr. Logrip? What details would the counselor be able to share with the parishioner who sought such counseling?

    But I see your true colors
    Shining through
    I see your true colors
    And that’s why I ……. you.

  2. Susan, your note is exactly right. Let’s change that. Let’s get the filter for changes to the law out of the seat of Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and insist that the majority (which may remain the same) put someone in that seat who will STOP this cycle, without influence of insurance PACs to their campaign and influence of the hierarchy of OUR Church. Our Church is US, the People of Faith, and we must remove abusers and enablers from it.

  3. And one last note…when the media describes the blocking of bills to extend the statute of limitations or to add the window, they never mention the name of those responsible for the legislative actions. I call them on it every time, yet it continues. People need to know what people continue to let children be at risk.

  4. The final decision is made by the parishioners; namely, do I, or do I not, attend services where this man is assigned.

  5. You’re right on the mark again Susan, thanks! These master of deception will hoodwink a lot of people by stating that “The District Attorney’s office declined to press charges,” but not making reference to the SOL.

    How low will this organization go? As of now, they have kids buried in septic tanks, and priests who are considered “off duty” when they’re buggering children. Where is the “bright line” that will cause me to renounce my membership in the RCC? It scares me that I can’t make the move; meaning as much as I dislike it, it still has power over me. Now that’s indoctrination!

  6. Dr who, You are so correct about indoctrination. That emotional learning at a young age is hardwired for a lifetime. It’s their power of shame and over the innocent which controls a lot of us as adults. Hell is the threat of breaking away from dogma.

  7. DrWho I am so with you. Can’t go inside a church anymore. Get knots in my stomach reading about the babies. Yet I am so hooked. Have a bookcase with Dark Night, Interior. Castle and about 100 other classics. Am boxing them up but putting them in the attic. I feel like I’m putting away a family photo album that has late beloved relatives along with the pictures of a creepy uncle I can’t bear to look at. Almost can understand how an abused woman stays with the man she loves that beats the #^%* out of her and says he loves her.

  8. The 14 now removed priests are gone because of the 2011 Grand jury report..many names were known to the Archdiocese that were not disclosed in the 2005 report and no movement until the last report on many cases.

  9. Are there any members of the AOP who know anybody from St. Stan’s parish or who went to or had children who went to the high schools mentioned or who lives or has lived in any of the parishes mentioned who is willing to question the local authorities or the bishop on what exactly the charges were? Has anyone from those same places gotten in touch with the Office of the District Attorney?

    It must be possible to get some more information beyond what is mentioned in the AOP news release of what’s in the papers?

    There were about 12/14 people at the 12/1 First Friday Vigil. Good turnout. There was also a national convention of American Humanist Association at the Sheraton Hotel across the street. They were very interested in and supportive of what we were doing. The people who lived in PA were doubly so.

    No vigils for July or August. See you on September 5th.

    Sister Maureen

  10. I know that this is off topic, I just need to express my anger and sadness at the 800 or more babies found recently in a septic tank. I love children and this story has been realing. I ask that you have patience with me. These children {babies} were treated as sub-human because their births violated a Catholic doctrine that there can be no sex outside of marriage. The young women-denied contraception, of course-were equally subject to horrifying stigmatization, hatred, and inhumane rules that took their children away from them. None of this would have taken place without this doctrine, and the insistence that it be inforced without exception and relentlessly. No society has ever lived up to this standard, but in Ireland, where the Church was fused with the state, they gave it about as good a try as possible. And in order to inforce it, in order to inculate SHAME AT THE DEEPEST LEVEL imaginable to prevent human love, passion and sex breaking out, cruelty was necessary. Whenever a society attempts to impose without exception an impossible abstraction on fallable human beings, such cruelty will always be necessary. Check the roster of totalitarian and theocratic regimes for the result. So, in their understanding of sin, in which throwing hundreds of child’s bodies into a septic tank is a necessary evil but masturbating is wicked, they surely have a point.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent on this shameful topic. I will never understand this kind of evil againist the most vulnerable. As a survivor, I am being made more aware of how this institution really views children and women!

    1. Vicky that story of the 800 babies is horrific I was just reading about how the church is going to dedicate some type of plaque in their memory..shameful.

    2. Given the new revelations regarding the 800 babies, hopefully the “United Nations committee on torture and crimes against humanity” will review the RCC’s involvement again. I’m hoping that the UN’s findings are more definitive than the report they released a couple of weeks ago.

      1. The catholic church cannot allow itself to be proved wrong, either by objective facts or by someone else’s better argument. Catholic church has this power to deceive people and they are utterly convinced they are always right. The church is now this ego saint that believes its image is truth. The church has become identified with a particular image that is believed to be acceptable, rather than being truthful. The catholic church has an improved and polished picture of themselves from who they actually are. This ego saint believes its act is together and the rules created for others do not necessarily apply to them, the catholic church.

        I suspect the catholic church will need to experience a deep humiliation before this belief in the ego saint is broken. This ego saint lives by denial. It is unable to admit it is hurting, and is unwilling to acknowledge deep suffering. The leadership in the church appears to be becoming terrified and it is beginning to feel the panic of losing its beliefs. Eventually there will be nothing true or valuable to believe in and ultimately its beliefs will become meaningless.

        The church needs to feel its beliefs are its death. Then real faith can begin which has nothing to do with beliefs. Faith is given and creates this unshakable confidence. This faith is tough and to counteract thee terror and despair is only by faith. This faith is a leap into the unknown and then non-belief becomes everything. From me personally the church being an ego saint is joke and until the church embodies real authenticity there will be no truth. Truth is what creates this profound connection with people and faith becomes the guide by Divine awareness.

        There is good faith with everyone here and it is just a place to begin. Thank you!

        1. Syd, I love your last sentence, about truth. “Truth is what creates this profound connection with people and faith becomes the guide by Divine awareness”. Well stated, my friend!

          1. Thanks Vicky and thank you for your realistic faith. Your spirit appears to communicate this self-affirmation or this belief in yourself. Your spirit feels like this act of self-confidence, your own value without any specific reference to anyone else. This appears to create your mature faith and your ability to be your own person. Your faith is like the sun, experienced, and offers this light. Your faith within your spirit feels like this unshakable confidence, secure, and it appears to be your own faith. Your living faith is your presence and is deeply significant!

      2. The newest revelation out of Ireland is that 2000 babies under the “care” of religious orders running unwed mothers’ homes were permitted to be used for medical experimentation. How can this story get any more ghastly? The only saving grace is that the dead-baby story has garnered the attention of the world!

        1. Thank goodness they weren’t aborted. Total hypocrisy. I hope those involved in the Right to Life movement take note of this. We could use all the support we can get both before and after a child is born.

  11. Susan, your comments say it all very concisely, the SOL prevents an investigation by the DA”s office and while chaput continues to lobby in Harrisburg against these changes Victims are relegated to a life of Misery, shame on the rcc/chaput and the politicians who continue to deny these long overdue changes ! No more PR or False Reassurances !

  12. Susan,

    Its funny that they did not mention St. Aloysius Academy in Bryn Mawr where Logrip was Chaplin during the late 80’s and early 90’s. He along with his gang of seminarians from St. Charles caused a lot of havoc when they were given free reign upon the students of the grade school. I wonder why this assignment was not mentioned by Chaput???

    1. Playing with technicalities, I suppose. St. Aloysius Academy isn’t technically an “Archdiocesan” assignment since it’s privately run. Not sharing that assignment in the press release shows a lack of transparency and accountability.


      24. St. Aloysius Academy & #25

      also 18 and 7

      Chris, that might have been the sex crimes that were investigated. Logrip isn’t mentioned as a defendant, but others were. He is mentioned in the report. Actually thought a religious order took care of duties at Mater. Guess he was at both places.

      1. I checked with the Archdiocese. Father Logrip volunteered to be chaplain there. So now we know that volunteer chaplaincies won’t be recorded on these lists, even though they are known by the diocese.

        1. Thank you Susan, guess that was the same reasoning for the missing assignments in Delaware. Guess Uncle Jack McDevitt volunteered also, yes, that is “Uncle Jack’s name” for those victims/survivors who wonder what priest’s lap they sat on while he felt them up. Just need to help the RCC in their continued mission to assist survivors and learn the truth.

          Still the question, was that the activity over 20 years ago that was referenced/investigated or can’t they answer because of the lawsuit or other possible legal action ?

    1. I had a archdiocese counselor once. Her name was Maggie Marshall. When I finally gained the strength to come forward and speak about the abuse I suffered by the hands of Fr. Hermley I found out later everything that I thought I was telling her in confidence was going straight to the archdiocese attorney.


      1. If she’s a registered or licensed counselor it would be illegal to reveal any information about you without your written permission.

        1. The only thing I would communicate with any Archdiocesan counselor was only the bare minimum. I am not quite sure what their role even is as reimbursement for outside professional counseling is available. The most important thing that I learned in 6 years of education in the counseling field is to “know who your client is”. Sounds ridiculous but so appropriate in these situations. The archdiocese is the employer but the victim is the client..Unfortunately my opinion is that the Archdiocese is both employer and client..I say after from 3 years of communications on behalf of child protection and victims..the Archdiocese is the client .

          1. Kathy, very important issue that you raised and that has caused a great deal of difficulty, turmoil and outrage over the years for our family. The paid employee, regardless of the title, owes their primary allegiance, responsibility and duty to those who employ him/her. I would think that is the key issue when, in a hypothetical situation, a parishioner comes to the pastor with an allegation of child sexual abuse by a teacher or employee of the parish. What is the pastor’s first responsibility and duty? Brings to mind a quote from the former in-house counsel to the archdiocese, Timothy Coyne who, despite his allegiance and dedication to the leadership, was summarily kicked to the curb by the new team:

            “….No matter how vigilant a pastor or principal is, he or she may still face a lawsuit, said Timothy Coyne, who represents the Philadelphia archdiocese and various religious orders. “The little old lady who says her beads daily in church will sue you if she slips and falls in church,” he warned. Coyne told priests to regard lawyers as their friends and to “call your lawyer even before you call the chancery or your insurer….” (National Catholic Reporter, May 1999)

          2. Not only is the victim supposed to be the true client but so are the children of the Archdiocese and obviously from the case of Fr Paul we know that wasn’t the case. As a person with a Master’s degree in Social Work,my resignation would have been on the desk the moment I heard of the case of Fr Paul being left at the parish and information kept from teachers,parents and children.There is simply no way that I could have gone against my client ,the children of the Archdiocese. But when you see the Archdiocese as your client it is a different story.

        2. most rape centers require 80 hours of training. Must be certified as a rape counselor to have privileged conversations under PA state law. This loophole was used by the AOP. Part of the Anderson/Hamilton lawsuit referenced above. – # 7 and # 18

  13. Those Counselors are a joke…… They do nothing but put a buffer between their PR Department and the victim…. Call a Lawyer Not The Arch of Phila

    1. Great advice to call a lawyer not the Arch. of Phila. As much as you would believe they would have the victim best interest at heart it’s sad to say but the protecting the image & power of the Catholic Church is their prime concern that comes first not the victim. How many of us learned that lesson the hard way…too many in my opinion.

  14. Has anyone else besides me once again taken notice to how many parishes or schools this priest and others like him are moved about ? I myself find it questionable why this is done unless for a very good reason.

    I personally will let Chaput think that he now has a clean house.

    Lets not forget another member of Chaput’s clean house will face his re-trial on June 16th and per the judge’s order there is no more postponing.

  15. I once told my good friend Art, that I wanted to go to Harrisburg and stand outside the Capitol Building with a sign reading “Which legislators protect child sexual predators?” I seriously doubt any would be forthright in their opinions anyway, but I think the citizens of any state, especially those who are parents or guardians of children, have the right to know which politicians, and why these politicians, continue to strike down legislation that would protect children. I can only establish two certain factors that guide such despicable decision-making from people who have been appointed their positions in public office by the voters, who happen to be the people these arrogant hustlers ignore and try to silence every day.

    “Money” is an obvious factor in the decisions “our” elected leaders contemplate, and then are somehow able to find a balance in children being harmed and money being saved. Money, I’m sure they’d rather allocate to problems they consider more significant than the molestation, rape, and torture of the most defenseless in our society. I just wish one of these so-called “voice of the people” would step forward and explain to parents and the children directly effected “why innocence takes a back seat to the tens-of-millions of taxpayers’ dollars wasted in frivolous ways.” Maybe Gov. Corbett can explain to the parents of PA exactly why he believed it necessary to flush nearly $10 million of taxpayers’ money down this bureaucratic cesspool to combat VOTER ID fraud, which during the recent election campaign for governor in PA resulted in no known cases of such fraud, nor any criminal investigations or arrests.

    “Power” is also at the core of what our elected leaders consider when making decisions, as well. It’s an insane idea for me to even remotely contemplate that any person campaigning for political office is motivated by a righteous willingness to serve the people. I am not so gullible. Besides, when has anyone ever heard of or seen a poverty-stricken politician? Of course politicians are making the rounds and campaigning for your votes out front of Walmart and Dollar General, because they know that most of their state’s citizens are strapped-for-cash, and the presumption that cheaper laundry detergent isn’t merely similar to the expensive brands, just watered down, draws more shoppers they can certainly promise of a more prosperous tomorrow if they vote accordingly. Why don’t we ever see these politicians shopping in the same discount stores with the rest of us? Why aren’t they visible after Election Day, still standing outside and assuring us they are committed to following through on the promises they made a day prior? I question why it is that politicians believe they are superior to the janitor at the local playground, who happens to be paying his fair share in taxes, but yet bows to big business and wealthy institutions that pay a milli-percent to the rest of us, or nothing at all. People who aspire to political office, and politicians who aspire to wealth and even more power don’t commit financial and career suicide by disappointing the privileged one-percent. Instead they ignore the 99%, who happened to put them in power to begin with, and somehow, brazenly, they play Sexual Predator Roulette with children.

    I don’t understand the ignorance. Personally, if I knew of a clear-path strategy to save children from experiencing the tragedy I endured as a child, and the hell, confusion, depression, and despair I struggled with for 20 years after, I would wager everything I own, and I would steal anything of value I could from my neighbors and everybody on C4C, and I wouldn’t think twice about devoting myself to this strategy 100%! Any bill I have read, that has been introduced in our state’s legislatures, has been a “clear-path strategy” for protecting children from sexual predators.

    If nothing changes, the world will just have more people like me. When I wasn’t being abused, I was still suffering and wondering when will it happen again? Will I at least get one day without the pain? Will “he” rape me again tonight? How can I make him stop? I wish I were dead. I feel dead. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be and if this is the purpose for me life. Why does he hate me so much? Why won’t he stop when I scream and cry out? I wish I could blast off in a spaceship and live on another planet forever. I wish somebody would help me. I’m worthless and I don’t deserve to be loved. I’m a bad kid. I wish I could just disappear. I want to be invisible. I don’t think anybody will ever love me. I can’t tell anybody, because he’ll hurt me more. Nobody will believe me. I know it’s my fault. I will go to jail like he said. I won’t see my family again. God wants me to do this. It’s normal for Father McDevitt to teach me about sex. I feel like I’m covered in a thick film of filth. I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself. The world is better off without me.

    I was between the ages of 6 and 14 when I was being molested, raped, and mentally, physically, and emotionally tortured and that paragraph above was only a tiny percentage of the ramblings running through my mind every day. I had no place and no one to turn to for help. People said I was quiet and liked being alone. Inside, I wasn’t alone. I had the Darkness and the Demons to keep me company and I was always scared.

    It’s isolated chaos. It’s a life I wish no other child will ever realize.

    Peace out!
    Rich Green (Survivor sitting atop my throne, bulletproof and indestructible.)

    1. I want to say thank you Rich for your directness and authenticity. I relate to your pain and all its irrationalities very well. I just want you to know there is something very human about you, genuineness and a depth of feeling. It is like your inner essence communicating the whole of you and is the authentic thing to do. Your hidden depth is truly an opening and is life-enhancing. Your richness appears to be about being true to yourself. This is getting beyond my words and may you know you truly a gift to humanity. Wow!

      1. Thank you, Syd, though I do think your words are a bit “beyond myself” even. 😉 I’m just a guy trying to survive today. I will always speak and write my truth, because now and in my final days, the truth is all I’ve got and it’s precisely why the Church cannot defeat me.

        I have been so conscious of so many important things in life over the last year. I’m fortunate and also happy to have discovered what my truth means to me.

        I told Beth I would write about it someday, and I promise I will soon. This place and so many people here have truly helped me in my journey and one day soon I will explain how.

        It’s easy to lose confidence and focus on the important parts of life when you’re struggling and willing to shut out all of life just to survive one more day. I figured out a way to deal with my past and enjoy my present. It really can be done. If I can do it, anybody can do it! That’s an undeniable fact!

        Thank you, Syd… and Estelle!

        Peace out!
        Rich Green


    Twenty years ago? Think it was a 2002 priest he supervised in Levittown is mentioned in the Grand Jury Report unless there is an incident at St Monica’s or Mater around 20 years referenced. Remember a few problems in that area, but the persons stop discussing it. Mater is not far from St. Joachim’s and Bridesburg. Guess I am missing something. Was that priest he supervised assigned to a Home next to St Jerome’s? Getting confused

    On the other topic, don’t know why my grandmother was in the IRA, but the poverty in that area was unbelievable. Hope some university does check on the condition of the bodies and show the proof of how those money making laundries and other financial operations worked those poor girls to death and caused the death of their babies. Maybe then the UN will have its proof of torture.

  17. Vicky, Rich, and all C4C survivors:

    SNAP’s “The Voices and Faces Project” is a 2-day writing program for survivors of sexual abuse. It’s an opportunity to hone your writing skills, reflect on your experiences, affect your recovery, and reach and inform others. It’s being held at Columbia University in NYC on June 21-22. Applications are open to SNAP members and survivors. Those accepted into the program will receive a full, 2-day scholarship! The application deadline is Friday, June 13.

    If you have questions or want to know how to access the online application call 312-455-1499 or email

    I assume the application is on SNAP’s website.

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