Vatican’s Tech Tool Is Tone-Deaf

The Vatican has launched a “Click to Pray 2.0” app with the hopes of reaching a wider audience. This is what the hierarchy thinks is an important use of technology. How about a tracking app for abusive priests removed from ministry? The Church might have a wider audience if it didn’t endanger children.

Read here: Click to Pray 2.0: Vatican Rolls App for Digitally Devoted,

What apps would you like to see the Vatican develop?


4 thoughts on “Vatican’s Tech Tool Is Tone-Deaf

  1. Hi, me and 48 members of my family, extended family and in laws have all left the RC church since seeing the Pennsylvania Report on TV in 2018. We have children and disabled adults in our family, whose safety is of paramount importance. We all find the arrogant, insular and self important attitude of the clergy repellent. I have since then been working with the Anglican Church of England on challenging the culture of silence which enables abuse to flourish via my Loudfence project in Carlisle and it is spreading throughout the UK. I think the RRC would prefer to waste money on Apps and let the RCC sink into drastic decline, rather than confront the truth. Until the church prioritises the safety of the vulnerable, until it hands over power so it is equally spread amongst those outside the walls of the Vatican, this will never end. Openness, accountability and transparency as a result of the democratisation of the church is the only solution. As long as the current structures remain in place, the abuse is guaranteed to continue, so PR stunts like tis will not fix the problem. Only expulsions and imprisonments of abusers and removal of enablers will stop the abuse – not apps.

  2. Until they make changes, no app is going to bring people back. People have been lied to, and betrayed. No one wants to support a church when the money they donate goes to pay off law suits. No one wants to belong to a religion that endangers their children, or denies them communion because they are gay, or divorced. Makes no sense that murders can be burried in consecrated ground, but people the church considers “sinners” are not excepted.

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